We would love to hear from you on or before July 7 if possible.
(If not, still respond when you can.)Thanks!! This is going to be great!!
Name: (first and last)
Yes! We are interested in having a blast! No, we're not interested or available.
Age: (runners must be at least 12, volunteers can be any age)
Phone number that our family can use to contact you: (include area code and indicate if home or cell)
City, State, Country where you live:
I am definitely, probably, or maybe going to be a runner. Please choose one.
(This will help us as we plan the teams.)
Yes or No: I'm interested in being a team captain.
I would love to be on a team with the following individuals:
Team Name suggestions: They can be funny, crazy, a play on words...whatever!
I'm interested in volunteering or helping in any of the following ways: (please list only the ones you are interested in or list an idea you have that isn't listed)
cheer leading, vehicle decorations, donating food and/or snacks, donating coolers full of ice, water bottles, blankets, tents, lawn chairs, sleeping bags, pillows, managing transport vehicles, use of my home for runners to shower, rest and eat, financial donations, sponsoring a runner, donating my time in any way needed, assisting in managing the race day events, phone coordinator, GPS use, training or help, team photography, use of my bike (a runner may have the companionship of another runner or a biker at night only), use of your headlamps, blinking signal lights for runners to wear on their backs (bottoms), or reflective vests (all required equipment for each runner), pre and post race party location or supplies, help with children, help with acquiring and managing the vehicles or the hotel accommodations, uniform design for runners and volunteers, transport vehicle driver, team posters, publicity (possibly we could get a local paper or news station to do an article on our team), team gag awards, volunteer gag awards, donating first aid supplies or services, donating cow bells, whistles, horns, pom pom or any other cheerleading supplies, two way radios, literally anything you think might help!
I have the following questions, concerns or suggestions: (Please list)
We can't wait to hear from you!!